
Certificates of Insurance Bill Vetoed

The Certificates of Insurance bill A03107-D that passed both houses in June was vetoed by New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc. IIABNY and other industry groups drafted this bill and were among its strongest supporters.



I am returning herewith, without my approval, the following bill:

Assembly Bill Number 3107-D, entitled:

“AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation to certificates of insurance”


This bill would amend the Insurance Law to require that State agencies and other parties use only the expressly enumerated, standardized certificate of insurance forms specified in the bill to issue or obtain certification of the insurance coverage held by a contract counterparty. The bill would also prohibit any alteration of these forms.

State agencies frequently require counterparties to complete certificates of insurance that convey detailed information sufficient to ensure that their insurance policies meet the specific liability and other coverage requirements under a given State contract. The standardized forms mandated in this bill, however, are generic in nature and will not convey such detailed policy coverage information.

For the foregoing reasons, I am disapproving this bill. However, the Department of Financial Services will examine the manner in which certificates of insurance are used by State agencies and identify any means by which such use may be improved.

This bill is disapproved.   ________________________   (signed) ANDREW M. CUOMO

A03107 Actions:
BILL NO: A03107D

  • 01/23/2013 referred to insurance
  • 03/04/2013 amend and recommit to insurance
  • 03/04/2013 print number 3107a
  • 05/10/2013 amend and recommit to insurance
  • 05/10/2013 print number 3107b
  • 06/07/2013 amend and recommit to insurance
  • 06/07/2013 print number 3107c
  • 06/12/2013 reported referred to codes
  • 06/14/2013 amend and recommit to codes
  • 06/14/2013 print number 3107d
  • 06/17/2013 reported referred to rules
  • 06/18/2013 reported
  • 06/18/2013 rules report cal.409
  • 06/18/2013 ordered to third reading rules cal.409
  • 06/18/2013 passed assembly
  • 06/18/2013 delivered to senate
  • 06/19/2013 REFERRED TO RULES
  • 06/20/2013 SUBSTITUTED FOR S5804
  • 06/20/2013 3RD READING CAL.1511
  • 06/20/2013 PASSED SENATE
  • 12/06/2013 delivered to governor
  • 12/18/2013 vetoed memo.257
  • 12/18/2013 tabled

Related Article: IIABNY Vows To Fight On After Governor’s Veto of Certificates Bill
Related Article: IIABNY Scores Victory: Certificates of Insurance Bill Passes Both Houses
Related Article: Insurance Department Circular Letters No. 8 (1995) and No. 15 (1997)
Related Article: Ignoring widespread support for reform, Cuomo vetoes PIA top-priority certificates of insurance bill
Related Article: Construction, insurance industries collaborate to resolve problem of evidencing contractor insurance
Related Article: Certificates of Insurance Court Cases


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