

DeWitt Stern Group, Inc.

Region: East

From its inception in 1899, DeWitt Stern Group has held fast to its philosophy of bringing exemplary service to individuals and businesses.

DeWitt Stern is a privately held insurance brokerage and risk management firm, specializing in business, personal, fine art, entertainment & media, employee benefit and executive liability insurance.

A History of Innovation – DeWitt Stern has, for decades, developed innovative approaches to insuring risk. Whether it is a cost-sensitive program for real estate, unique fine art insurance, or an overseas film project, their brokers consistently design insurance solutions to fit the client, not the other way around. Hard-to-place risks are DeWitt Stern’s specialty.

Locations include: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Sacramento.

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Our Clients

Borden Perlman Insurance

Borden Perlman Insurance

Region: Northeast Since 1915, the Borden Perlman Agency has provided insurance, risk management and...
KONE Corporation

KONE Corporation

Region: Midwest KONE is one of the global leaders in the elevator and escalator...
Brown & Brown Northwest Insurance

Brown & Brown Northwest Insurance

Region: Northwest Brown & Brown Northwest seeks to combine intelligent, creative, skillful risk management,...
Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ASCIP)

Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ASCIP)

Region: West Formed in 1980 as a joint purchase program, the Alliance of Schools for...