

Millennium Risk Managers LLC

Region: Southeast

Millennium Risk Managers LLC clients encompass a diverse base of employers which include municipalities, government agencies, health care industry providers manufacturing, retail and service industry entities. Millennium Risk Managers administers the workers compensation claims exposures for approximately 745 employers operating with in the State of Alabama. This oversight function encompasses all levels of the claims administration process including settlements, surveillance, and case management implementation and mediation services.

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Our Clients

Beecher Carlson Insurance Services

Beecher Carlson Insurance Services

Region: Southwest Beecher Carlson is an insurance brokerage and risk management consulting firm focused...


Region: West Bickmore founded in 1984 — privately held; over 100 employees headquartered in Sacramento,...
Swift Transportation Inc.

Swift Transportation Inc.

Region: West Swift is based in Phoenix, Arizona. As of March 31, 2012, Swift...
Insurance Office of America

Insurance Office of America

Region: Southeast As the largest privately-held agency in Florida and one of the fastest...