

Go on… take it for a TEST DRIVE!

A great first day at the NetVU 2014 Conference in Nashville, TN. Over 2000 energized insurance professionals including anchorman corporate comedian Greg Schwem and camera crew seeking out solutions to fuel growth, accelerate profits, drive value, and win the race. #NetVU14    

Topic: Blog / Conference

NetVU 2014 Conference

Over 2,000 insurance professionals and leaders will be gathering at this powerful agency automation, networking and education event. Learn, collaborate and advance the insurance industry! #NetVU14  

Topic: Blog / Conference

10 top time-saving tech tips

Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users. And yes, you may know a few of these already — but there’s probably at least one you don’t. David Pogue is the personal technology columnist for the New York Times and a tech…

Topic: Blog / Tech Tips

Congratulations!!! Parker Liautaud & Willis Team

Focus, Focus, Focus until the last step and from there it’s right into the world records book with a final time of 18 days, 4 hours and 43 minutes. Parker Liautaud reaches the South Pole on Christmas Eve becoming the youngest man to ski to the south pole. After nearly a month…

Topic: Blog / Corporate Social Responsibility

Certificates of Insurance Bill Vetoed

The Certificates of Insurance bill A03107-D that passed both houses in June was vetoed by New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc. IIABNY and other industry groups drafted this bill and were among its strongest supporters. VETO MESSAGE – No. 257…

Topic: Blog / Legislation
Tile - Lifestyle - Keys

Never Lose Your Wallet, Keys or Purse Again!

Reveal Labs, Inc. develops bluetooth devices, a tiny Tile, which can be attached to one’s belongings, to enable users find and track lost items using a mobile application. Started in 2012 by established software and hardware engineers, Mike Farley and Nick Evans. The inaugural product is Tile, a device that finds…

Topic: Blog / Technology

Have you met TYPO?

Innovation is a process that requires us to think differently in order to see things differently. Sometimes we have to go backwards to go forwards. Ryan Seacrest holds several prominent positions in broadcast and cable television, nationally syndicated radio and local radio as a host and producer. Seacrest is also an entrepreneur,…

Topic: Technology

Our Clients

Risk Management Advisors, Inc.

Risk Management Advisors, Inc.

Region: West Risk Management Advisors is a national firm specializing in the design, implementation...
Borden Perlman Insurance

Borden Perlman Insurance

Region: Northeast Since 1915, the Borden Perlman Agency has provided insurance, risk management and...
Patriot Risk and Insurance Service, Inc.

Patriot Risk and Insurance Service, Inc.

Region: West Patriot Risk & Insurance Services delivers professional insurance and risk management services...
American Contractors Insurance Group LTD.

American Contractors Insurance Group LTD.

Region: Southwest AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INSURANCE GROUP LTD. (together with its subsidiaries, referred to as...