
On Demand Delivery Methods of the Future

Jeffrey Preston “Jeff” Bezos is an American Internet entrepreneur and investor. He is a technology entrepreneur who has played a key role in the growth of e-commerce as the founder and CEO of Jeff is one of the great visionary minds of our time who is capable of executing and “delivering” ideas most might think impossible.

Recently announced a deal with the financially struggling Postal Service for Sunday deliveries of Amazon packages. From there the sky is the limit.

I know this looks like science fiction. It’s not,” Bezos said in the CBS interview. “It drops the package. You come and get your package and we can do half-hour deliveries.

We are in the very early stages of such a delivery method, however Jeff’s timeline is not so far off. With FAA approval Jeff sees flight for his Amazon Prime Air project within the next four to five years. Using drones for beneficial civic or commercial purposes is a growing trend.

Perhaps it will be in our lifetime that we will see drone activity used for medical supplies, wildlife monitoring, cargo, firefighting, and of course the 30 minute delivery of your 5-10 lbs. Amazon package.

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Risk Strategies Company, Inc.

Risk Strategies Company, Inc.

Region: Northeast Risk Strategies Company, Inc. is a privately-held, national firm with offices across...
SullivanCurtisMonroe Insurance Services, LLC.

SullivanCurtisMonroe Insurance Services, LLC.

Region: West For nearly 80 years, privately-held SullivanCurtisMonroe Insurance Services, LLC (SCM) has been...
Millennium Risk Managers LLC

Millennium Risk Managers LLC

Region: Southeast Millennium Risk Managers LLC clients encompass a diverse base of employers which...
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Service Inc.

Wilson M. Beck Insurance Service Inc.

Region: North Wilson M. Beck Insurance Service Inc. incorporated in 1981 as a general...